Afin.Query   AfinScript © AFIN 2016
  Start: [F5] or [Ctrl+Q]
<<< Parameters   Info: 5 columns (A:E = 'COCPI..T') from the #11 row are reserved for the AfinScript's program.
e.g. Path = C:\AnyPath      
e.g. Database =        
e.g. Period =        
Class (Vendor) Object Command Parameters Info The rest: Comments, calculations, row parameters
Afin.Query commands       .
.       .
Afin.Query   Info   OK, but it stops the program.
Afin.Query ODBC;DSN=Excel files; DBQ=C:\AnyPath\Testy\Sprzedaz2015_testy.xlsx SELECT COUNT(*) AS [MyCount]
FROM [Faktura$]
PasteTo=Query[; Name=MyQuery ; RowNumbers=1] . Defaults:
Name=Query; RowNumbers=1;
Clear={See 'clear' specification (Afin.VBA)}
Afin.Query C:\AnyPath\Testy\Sprzedaz2015_testy.xlsx SELECT COUNT(*) AS [MyCount]
FROM [Faktura$]
PasteTo=Query; Name=MyQuery . If standard MS Query prefix like 'ODBC;DSN=Excel files; DBQ=' is omitted, it is filled in automatically (for popular file databases only)
.       .
Afin.Query URL;   PasteTo=WebQuery; Name=NBP , Defaults:
Name=Query; RowNumbers=1;
Clear={See 'clear' specification (Afin.VBA)}
Afin.Query URL;   PasteTo=MySheet1!K1; Name=NBP; PostText=origin_airport=WAW&destination_airport=JFK , PostText - See POST command (reading HTML)
.       .
Afin.Query OLEDB;Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;
Data Source=C:\AnyPath\Sprzedaz2015.xlsx;
Extended Properties="Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=YES;IMEX=1"
FROM [region$]
PasteTo=_DaneOLEDB; Clear=3 , Clear={See 'clear' specification (Afin.VBA)}
Afin.Query OLEDB;Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;
Data Source=C:\AnyPath\Sprzedaz2015.accdb
region PasteTo=_DaneOLEDB; Name=_OLEDB; Unlist=1 , Defaults:
Name=Query; RowNumbers=1; Unlist=0