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Volume in drive C is System
 Volume Serial Number is CA24-5B9F

 Directory of C:\Users\Admin\Documents

10.07.2024  13:39    <DIR>          .
01.07.2024  11:50    <DIR>          ..
15.07.2024  11:28    <DIR>          AFinScript
25.09.2023  18:25    <DIR>          dumps
28.12.2022  12:37    <DIR>          IISExpress
12.04.2024  17:13             9˙973 index.htm
12.04.2024  17:13    <DIR>          index_pliki
28.12.2022  12:37    <DIR>          My Web Sites
27.12.2022  11:39    <DIR>          Niestandardowe szablony pakietu Office
04.04.2024  15:42             4˙365 nowy.xml
15.07.2024  14:23    <DIR>          Pliki programu Outlook
23.12.2022  00:36    <DIR>          SQL Server Management Studio
21.08.2023  13:24             9˙731 SQL1.xlsx
29.03.2024  14:17         5˙898˙240 temp.accdb
30.12.2022  10:38    <DIR>          Visual Studio 2017
02.01.2023  17:41    <DIR>          Visual Studio 2019
29.05.2024  14:22    <DIR>          WindowsPowerShell
28.05.2024  17:05             8˙572 Zeszyt1.xlsx
22.03.2024  06:54            14˙002 Zeszyt2.xlsx
22.03.2024  17:24            15˙848 Zeszyt2_mirror.xlsx
12.04.2024  16:44             8˙485 Zeszyt3.xlsx
25.09.2023  18:28    <DIR>          _SQL
               8 File(s)      5˙969˙216 bytes
              14 Dir(s)  80˙777˙478˙144 bytes free