This is an INFO file for AFIN.NET.IS.EXE program (c) AFIN 2010 I. Goals to achieve 1. Automatizing data processes without running ANY applications like SSIS, but AFIN.NET, too. 2. Possibility to make "database jobs" by using standard Windows Tasks feature. 3. Possibility to work on (any Windows) servers, client stations, client's network servers (Windows networks) II. About AFIN.NET.IS.EXE is a very STUPID and non-intelligent program SIMPLY EXECUTING the commands from AFIN.NET.IS.EXE.txt parameters' file. It reads this TXT file, splits the line with "(:)" separator, traeating the #1 part as database connetion information and the #2 part as a SQL command to execute and executes this command using the standard ADO. All the errors DON'T STOP the program but save the error information in 'Errors.txt' file in the same folder. You can comment the lines using ":" or "'" or "REM" at the beginning of the line. Different actions require running from different folders. III. Licence It's free for all the task you wish to perform. It's a freeware. If you want to donate us, please contact: IV. Risks ADO can harm your files or databases. Be carefull. V. Parameters 0. Without any parameters, simply AFIN.NET.IS.EXE in command line eg. AFIN.NET.IS.EXE - AFIN.NET.IS.EXE works as described in (II.) 1. A parameter without the separator "(:)", eg. AFIN.NET.IS.EXE C:\MySqlPrograms\MySqlProgram1.txt - AFIN.NET.IS.EXE executes commands from the specified text file, here: 'C:\MySqlPrograms\MySqlProgram1.txt' 2. A parameter with the separator "(:)" (= two parameters, similar to a text line in AFIN.NET.IS.EXE.txt file), eg. AFIN.NET.IS.EXE Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)};ReadOnly=False;DBQ=C:\MyFiles\MyBook.xls(:)SELECT * INTO [CopiedTable] FROM [Sheet1$] - AFIN.NET.IS.EXE simply executes SQL command 3. Other parameters 3.a. WAIT (at the beginning of the line, no parameters) - pauses the programm for approximately 1 s. When you need more pause time use WAIT in next lines. eg. WAIT 3.b. INFO [TextToShow] (at the beginning of the line) - shows a message in message box (Interrupts the code execution) eg. INFO The End. We wish you an effective data performing for your convenience. AFIN.NET stuff.