Example no.3 - tens (or thousands) steps in one script. Many libraries used. AFinScript © AFIN 2016
Start: [F5] or [Ctrl+Q]
<<< Parameters   Info: 5 columns (A:E = 'COCPI..T') from the #11 row are reserved for the AFinScript's program. Start: [F5] or [Ctrl+Q]
e.g. Path = C:\AnyPath      
e.g. Database =        
e.g. Period =        
Class (Vendor) Object Command Parameters Info The rest: Comments, calculations, row parameters
AFinScriptStart       0,004
# This example is almost "professional". You have much of data in many separated files. You can consolidate them in one process UNDER YOUR FULL CONTROL. This is closed to professional data process making a data warehouse - your own data warehouse. This example is runable. .
.       .
# You can delete the database file and download it again everytime OR(!) drop the table in existing file only .
Afin.Shell   del C:\AnyPath\MyDatabase.accdb   0,067
Afin.SQL C:\AnyPath\MyDatabase.accdb DROP TABLE MyDataTogether   .
# Erase the data and wait a while to end Shell processes .
Afin.Shell   del C:\AnyPath\Faktury*.xls   0,105
Afin.ScriptManager   Wait TimeSeconds=2 2,006
# Download an EMPTY database from Internet .
Afin.Internet http://afin.net/downloads/free/AfinSqlScript/TestAccessDB.accdb DOWNLOAD LocalFile=C:\AnyPath\MyDatabase.accdb 1,244
# Download data (3 separate Excel files) .
Afin.Internet http://afin.net/excel/soa/DaneDoCwiczenSOA/Faktury1.xls DOWNLOAD LocalFile=C:\AnyPath\Faktury1.xls 0,074 1
# The formula of the cell above:
  The formula of the cell above:
Afin.Internet http://afin.net/excel/soa/DaneDoCwiczenSOA/Faktury2.xls DOWNLOAD LocalFile=C:\AnyPath\Faktury2.xls 0,069 2
Afin.Internet http://afin.net/excel/soa/DaneDoCwiczenSOA/Faktury3.xls DOWNLOAD LocalFile=C:\AnyPath\Faktury3.xls 0,073 3
# In this way you can download (and than consolidate) hudreds of files - with ONE FORMULA and an index as line parameter.  
.       .
# Create an empty database table in an external database .
Afin.SQL C:\AnyPath\MyDatabase.accdb CREATE TABLE MyDataTogether(
SourceId VARCHAR(5),
CustomerName VARCHAR(20),
# Insert data from tables in defferent Excel files (index of file is in 'F' column) .
Afin.SQL C:\AnyPath\MyDatabase.accdb INSERT INTO MyDataTogether
SELECT '1' AS SourceId, Nazwa AS Name, wart_net AS Sales
FROM [faktura$]
IN 'C:\AnyPath\Faktury1.xls' [Excel 8.0;]
  0,078 1
#   The formula of the cell above:
="INSERT INTO MyDataTogether
SELECT '"&F32&"' AS SourceId, Nazwa AS Name, wart_net AS Sales
FROM [faktura$]
IN 'C:\AnyPath\Faktury"&F32&".xls' [Excel 8.0;]"
(The same parametrization rules) .
Afin.SQL C:\AnyPath\MyDatabase.accdb INSERT INTO MyDataTogether
SELECT '2' AS SourceId, Nazwa AS Name, wart_net AS Sales
FROM [faktura$]
IN 'C:\AnyPath\Faktury2.xls' [Excel 8.0;]
  0,078 2
Afin.SQL C:\AnyPath\MyDatabase.accdb INSERT INTO MyDataTogether
SELECT '3' AS SourceId, Nazwa AS Name, wart_net AS Sales
FROM [faktura$]
IN 'C:\AnyPath\Faktury3.xls' [Excel 8.0;]
  0,077 3
# Fill the sheet with data .
Afin.SQL C:\AnyPath\MyDatabase.accdb SELECT *
FROM MyDataTogether
PasteTo=ResultOfExampleNo3 0,071
Note: This process makes the data NOT IN THE MOST PROPER STATE. We intend to show a process, you can see this process in its full version in another example.